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Kurds In Turkey Population

Kurdish Population in Turkey: A Statistical Enigma

Discrepancies and Uncertainties

The exact number of Kurds residing in Turkey is a matter of ongoing debate and conflicting estimates. Western sources propose that up to 25% of the population, roughly 18-19 million individuals, identify as Kurdish. However, Kurdish nationalist groups assert a higher figure.

Official Statistics vs. Nationalist Claims

According to the World Factbook, Kurds constitute 18% of Turkey's population, approximately 14 million out of 77.8 million. This estimate is based on official census data, which may underestimate the true number of Kurds due to political sensitivities and cultural assimilation.

Regional Distribution and Secessionist Aspirations

Kurds inhabit a vast and mountainous region that extends across the borders of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Armenia. Their combined population is estimated between 25 and 35 million. In Turkey, Kurds are concentrated in the southeastern provinces, with significant communities in cities such as Diyarbakir, Urfa, Mardin, Siirt, and Batman.

Historically, Kurdish movements have sought autonomy or independence from Turkey. These aspirations have often led to political unrest and violent confrontations with the Turkish government.

Ethnic Composition and Linguistic Diversity

According to various surveys, 86% of the population in southeastern Turkey identifies as Kurdish, with the remaining 14% comprising Arab minorities and Turkish speakers. The Kurdish language has several dialects and is closely related to Persian and other Iranian languages.
